The perfect Resume

The perfect Resume

Article by Ishwari Prasad Sharma (LLB, MBA, PGDBF, PGDAMPR, PGDRM)

Understand the purpose of a resume. This will help you to identify what is really important to focus on when putting yours together. Basically, a resume is a brief overview of your experience and credentials put together in such a way as to sell you as one of the best choices for a prospective employer to interview. It initiates the process of introducing yourself to the employer. Therefore, given that a resume is both introductory and a personal sales presentation, a good resume will be concise, easy to read, positive, and interesting.

Steps to make the perfect Resume

  • A resume is not a mere summary of what you've done – a resume needs to be focused on the job targeted, making the content relevant to the hiring team's viewpoint. An often-made mistake is to develop a "one-size-fits-all" resume without tailoring it to the specifics of the job.
  • Look at existing resume examples to get a good feel for putting together a good resume. Borrow books on resume writing from the local library, or get online and check out resumes uploaded by various people. Within your industry, it's often possible to get a search return for people who have submitted resumes that have been made public and stored electronically, and this gives you a great opportunity to see how the top people in your industry prepare their resumes.
  • Know what the reader will be looking to get out of a resume. Key professional behaviors that a reader will want to see leap out from reading your resume include communication and listening skills, ability to be a team player, goal orientation, analytical skills, motivation and initiative, reliability and dedication, determination, confidence, pride and integrity, efficiency, and the ability to follow directions.[3]
Make it easy to read. The manner of presentation will impact how easy it is to read the resume. Use good taste when developing a resume and forget gimmicks; in general, recruiters approach resumes conservatively and do not like or trust being presented with resumes printed on color paper, in 3D, with unusual fonts, or shaped like whatever product the company's trying to sell. Stay with what is tried and trusted because recruiters like the familiar, and anything that bucks that trend risks a negative reaction.
  • Use the font size 10-12. For a traditional look, use the serif Times New Roman. Use Century Old Style for traditional business jobs. For a more contemporary look, use the sans serif fonts Helvetica or Arial. Non-traditional fonts not only risk looking unprofessional but if you're emailing them and your employer doesn't have the font type, your resume will end up unformatted as it's replaced by a different font, with the end result probably looking unreadable. You can avoid this problem by emailing the document as a PDF file.
  • Avoid switching between too many fonts. Sans serif fonts are best for headers, serif fonts are best for listing the content details.
  • Use bold and italics to make important information stand out but use bold sparingly. Also make use of white space; ensure there is enough to make it easier to read.
  • Use black and white. Color should be used restrictively and preferably not at all.
  • Keep the format neat and well organized. Format consistently throughout the document.
  • If printing hard copies to send, use quality paper.
Choose a style you'll use. Leaving out personal pronouns is commonplace but the use of third person or first person is really up to you and your personal style. What matters are that you come across as personable and someone people want to work with. Don't make it overly stiff or overly casual; try to find a perfect medium.
  • Be careful to maintain the correct tense throughout the resume.
Decide on the positioning of the content. A resume can be chronological (placed in date order) or functional (focused on specific professional skills). The chronological resume is the more common, listing current work and moving down to your first job. Chronological resumes work well for people who have remained in the same profession and can demonstrate an evolving, improving history of experience. For people who change jobs frequently, it can make you appear less reliable and knowledgeable. The functional resume works best for older workers, for frequent job changers, for those who have a career hiatus (such as for child-raising or illness), and for anyone who wishes to focus more on skills. Many resumes tend to be a combination of both approaches now.
  • An example of a chronological resume can be viewed here; an example of a functional resume can be viewed here.
Make a master list. This list will be your background working document from which you create each new resume. Keep it somewhere safe and refer to it every time you create a resume, as well as remembering to constantly update it as you do new things in your life. Having the master list will trigger your memory quickly and allows you to cherry pick from all of your experiences, rather than leaving you tempted to include absolutely everything in the resume document itself. Over a lifetime, your resumes will appear quite different as you emphasize a different set of skills for different positions.
  • Make a list of all the jobs you have ever had. Don't leave out anything, even short stints, internships, or work experience opportunities.
  • Include awards, educational degrees, skills, and personal projects.
  • Think of anything that would be impressive or interesting to anyone reading about you.
  • Maintain this list so that you don't have to revisit the older portions year after year. It's helpful to organize the list by category: that way you can find your answers quickly.

Avoid making your resume too long!
Consider the resume content carefully. A resume should be brief and unless you have considerable experience in many jobs, it's important to keep your resume to 1 to 2 pages in length at the most. One standard suggests that a page for every 10 years of experience is appropriate. On average, a resume is given less than two minutes reading time, so you'll want to make sure that the content that it does contain matters and sells you well. If you're tempted to bloat it, keep in mind that the interview is the right place to share more information.
  • If you're just out of school or college, make the resume no more than one page. List your scholastic accomplishments, including involvement in official positions, school newspaper, student council, awards, etc.
  • Provide your educational history. Placement of this depends on the importance of them to your job and the amount of time you've been in the workforce. Always list top accomplishments first, for example, use the order: PhD, MA, BA, diploma, and certificate. It is standard to abbreviate degrees. List relevant scholarships and awards.
  • Include positions that were extensive. Unless you're fresh out of school, working at a place for a few weeks does not count as "extensive", and tends to suggest that you job hop.
  • Include accreditation and licenses.
  • Include employment dates. A resume that does not include the dates makes recruiters nervous.
  • Include an address, phone number, and email address. But do not include an email that shows you shouldn't be taken seriously, such as Don't use your current employer's name, number or email, either. If necessary, get an extra email address with a professional name that you can use for job searches.
  • Top resumes do not list referee's names because it's assumed by the recruiter that you have referees and it only comes into play if you're successful at the interview. It's considered unprofessional to set out names in this way.
Tailor your resume. Using your master list as a prompt, it's time to craft a resume targeted at your intended job. In order to tailor the resume, you'll need to do your research, be prepared to trim out any irrelevant information, and rework the relevance of remaining information that you're including.
  • For your research, use the job advertisement, job description, anyone you know who works in the place, media information (internet, newspaper, company's own press releases, etc.), gossip, and calling up the incumbent or person identified as the appropriate person to talk to.
  • Make the tone positive. Whenever possible, list your experience in terms of accomplishments and achievements rather than tasks and responsibilities. Show your success. Accomplishments are more impressive than a list of duties. For example, "Cut expenses by 25 percent over six months while maintaining historic revenue levels" is more impressive than saying, "Was responsible for a Rs. 500,000 budget." The latter says "I did this", while the former says, "I did this, and I can do it for you too."
  • Accomplishments that can be quantified can be helpful, such as saying how much time your streamlining saved the company.
  • Explain the relevance to the targeted job of the content placed in the resume.
Know what to watch out for. There are some things that might seem good at the time but are real "killers" when it comes to a recruiter trying to gauge your worth to be added to the workplace. Here are some things that will dissuade the reader from letting you through the rest of the recruitment process:
  • Don't make demands. If you set out to let your potential employer know what you expect to get out of them, you'll lose them straight away. Leave this part for the negotiations at the time of the job offer.
  • Don't inflate your achievements and abilities. Three out of every ten resumes contain inflated educational qualifications, causing employers to check these more often than not. If you haven't done it, don't say you have; if you're still getting a qualification, simply make that clear!
  • Don't over-qualify yourself for the position. Give enough information for interest and save the "wow" factor for the interview.
  • Be careful to avoid coming across as stubborn, arrogant, or difficult to work with. While it might seem fine to tell someone that you're strong willed and stand your ground in a dispute, this can suggest that you're inflexible and disinterested in listening to others' opinions, not likely to be someone a boss is keen to have on board! Always take great care with the impression your words create about your character.
  • Avoid listing weaknesses. While the unoriginal, standard question "What are your weaknesses" will likely come up in an interview, the resume isn't the place to be berating yourself! This is a sales document, not a soul-searching exercise.
  • Unless relevant to your job, avoid mentioning age, race, religion, sex, and national origin. In the latter case, national origin may be necessary if you're working in a country not of your birth – in that case, make it clear that you are entitled to work in the country.
  • Forget the photo unless you're applying for a job where your appearance matters (such as modeling). The current trend is moving away from the inclusion of a photo.
  • Avoid space wasters such as telling the employer you're available (why apply if you're not?), titling your resume "Resume/CV/etc.", talking about early childhood achievements (you're not asking your mom for a job!), or health (unless health is integral to the position).
Make your resume interesting. We'd all rather meet an interesting person than someone who doesn't seem to be engaging, is indifferent, or is on the dull side. Giving the impression that you're worth meeting is vital in a resume. The key element of a resume is to sell you without sounding reticent or over-the-top.
  • Focus on your best accomplishments, and write in a way that a reader will think: "I want to find out more about how this person did that!"
  • Some useful things that increase your interesting allure include listing professional affiliations (demonstrates career commitment), your language abilities (always useful in a globalized world), your publications and patents (how creative!), military or emergency services experience (dedication, teamwork, determination), professional training (you like to remain up-to-date), and endorsements (people praise you!).
  • This isn't a time to be shy. The resume needs to sell you to people who haven't met you yet, so refrain from the shrinking violet approach on paper. Your modesty will come across in the interview. Instead of saying "answered phones," say "answered multi-line phone and routed calls for an office of 43 people." This demonstrates that you're able to handle high volume work in a complex environment, which is not something to be shy about!
  • Use action verbs. Find a list of resume action verbs online or in a resume book. These will make it much easier for you to write a resume that is vivid and very readable.
Proofread and revise. This step cannot be overemphasized. Proofread your resume several times. Have someone else proofread it. Have another person further removed from you read it. Spelling errors and grammatical errors in a resume are enough of a reason to discard it when you're competing in the dozens or hundreds. Don't let this simple part slip you up! As well as looking for errors, asks your proofreader to be frank about the overall style, tone, and presentation—ask them "does this sell me for this job?" And look at what you can excise from the resume—spend a lot of time removing superfluous language, repetitive elements, and anything that you have doubts about.
  • Take constructive criticism on board and amend your resume to reflect the suggestions if they're valid.
  • Check that you have followed all the directions provided by the job application instructions. This is a huge indicator of responsibility to a hiring manager. If the ad says "no calls please," then don't call!
  • It's a good idea to prepare your resume several days in advance, so that you can come back and read it again a day or two later, with fresh eyes. You may be able to better see what to leave out, and to add anything else pertinent